I have often felt that books had the power to change lives.
I know when I read, I often feel a connection to what the author is writing
about. Sometimes I learn something new that may help change my mind about a
certain subject or person.
This spring I read The
Books that Changed My Life, Reflections by 100 Authors, Actors, Musicians,
and other Remarkable People, edited by Bethanne Patrick. It was just published
in 2016. This book gives us insight into why books mean so much to people.
A few responses are generic, such as “I love all books,” but
often still mention a few special books. It includes readers of cookbooks, classics,
memoirs, business, poetry, children’s books and more.
It was interesting to see how books I read affected others
and what information or insight I may have missed or not have needed at the
time. Some are not surprising, others were. It also made me want to read some
books I hadn’t read yet.
It was interesting to
see what types of books these people liked and a brief why.
The Story of Ferdinand
by Munro Leaf shows it’s OK to be different.
The Andy Warhol
Diaries shows that words can be art supplies.

For Lisi Lampanetti it was Solemate: Master the art of aloneness and transform your life by
Lauren Mackler “…I learn these life
lessons thru books in a way that doesn’t happen with anything else; reading
forces you to slow down and focus”
Peter Straub chose Look
Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe “You’re not the same person when you reread
a book, he said.”
Al Roker, who said he likes figuring things out, chose The
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle..
For Susan Orlean it was The
Sound & the Fury, by Faulkner,
“Feeling the transformational power of a book was world changing for me.” As Patrick says in the introduction, “Reading has power.”
I agree with her. Books can just be enjoyable diversions or
entertainment, but they also make me think, learn, and empathize with others. I
would recommend this book to people who love to read, especially if they like
variety and are interested in what others enjoy reading. It’s a book you can go
back to again and again.